G is for GSM

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blog gsm

G is GSM
GSM stands for Grams Per Square Meter. In the metric system, this is the way paper is weight is determined. You will see it noted in swatchbooks as g/m2 or GSM. It is the metric system equivalent of a paper’s basis weight. It is the weight (in grams) of a square meter of paper.  You can use our online O-K Toolbox Paper Calculator “LBS to GSM” to convert our American basis weight (lbs) to the metric GSM quickly and easily. Of late, digital printing has made GSM values more prevalent in state-side printing. A GSM figure is generally entered onto a digital printing system in the paper profile before printing. For this reason, we give GSM figures in our O-K Digital Catalog. You can find it online or get a copy from your nearest Olmsted-Kirk office or sales representative.


H is for Headbox

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Welcome to our #OKalphabetseries where we visit paper and printing terms daily. Come back each day as we weave our way through the alphabet and share our 110 years of knowledge with you.

H is Headbox
The headbox is located at the first section of the papermaking machine. It is the initial portion of the forming section or “wet end” of the machine. The headbox deposits a mixture of pulp, dyes, and fillers (furnish) through a horizontal slit across the machine's width onto the forming wire. The slit is adjustable and variations in the paper weight can be made with it. The function of the headbox is to swirl and agitate the pulp mixture to keep clots from forming. It regulates the speed, thickenss and consistency at which the furnish is delivered onto the wire.
